Tower Maintenance

Pexx, Inc. realizes the importance of regularly scheduled maintenance on existing structures; the longevity of your system depends on it. We have the know-how to conduct complete site audits which can be specifically tailored to each customer. We, additionally have the experienced staff to handle all maintenance requirements needed to return a tower to safe and productive operation.
We offer full-service tower site mapping including a detailed report listing all the antennas, lines, and associated hardware on the tower, line-of-site photos, and compound diagrams to reflect the existing shelters, equipment racks, and utility locations.
We specialize in tower modifications and we can easily take accurate field measurements. We are able to make repairs and modifications using either ordered materials or working with customer-provided materials to change out bracing or guy wire, as well as foundation upgrades.
Maintenance and Repair Services include:
- Radio Repair and Trouble Shooting
- Tower, Lines, and Antenna Maintenance
- Tower Beef Ups
Tower Inspections
Cell towers require seasonal maintenance when their transmissions are blocked by obstacles, there is an electronic malfunction or when the structural integrity of the tower is damaged by an event.
If you have recently experienced a particularly intense thunderstorm with winds, you may need to schedule maintenance of your tower. Even if the tower is transmitting, the signal may not be at its full strength due to obstacles that have shifted during the storm. Storms can also cause structural damage that will eventually lead to the collapse of the tower. The heat from fires can also warp and destroy cell towers. Regularly having your tower inspected after extreme events will allow you to prevent catastrophic damage.
Towers are visually inspected for compliance with applicable EIA, TIA, OSHA, FAA and FCC requirements.
We perform analysis of your structure to ensure the tower does not exceed its designed capacity. We utilize drawings provided by the customer or perform a site visit to collect data such as guy wire sizes, antenna loading and member sizes required by the engineer to perform the structural analysis. We will provide each customer with a stamped engineered report along with the engineers recommended modifications, if requested.
Each of our customers are furnished a written or electronic report with color photographs of tower and site. Pexx, Inc. will also use customer provided software and forms when required. Minor repairs completed at the time of the inspection will result in savings to the owner.
Our inspection crews carry state of the art equipment, including laser range finders used to determine precise AGL measurements and center of radiation levels, transits, Penn-Tech tension-meters, digital dynamometers, UT equipment, Radman RF detectors, MEG test gear, laptop computers, and digital cameras.
- Download a sample Tower Inspection Report
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